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Hack Clubbers focus on one thing: shipping.

After building a project, like an app or website, “shipping” is publishing & sharing it online.

Your first ship your first day.

Students in many traditional computer science classes are lucky to make a single project. At Hack Clubs, every member makes & ships their first website their very first meeting.

Keeping your eyes on the prize.

Instead of learning programming concepts in isolation, learning by shipping means you focus on what you need to build real projects. It’s more fun & leads to better learning.

Recently shipped…


#hcb scrubber ship! I made a program that goes through gh issues and detects whether there is potential personal information contained within; it is split into two parts: the typescript front end which fetches the issues and keeps track of which ones are clean and a python flask backed to allow me to use the spacy package to detect pii; it also allows you to open the potential issues after sorting them

Day 4: Finally got Unity up and running (if you can call it running) on my Mac. I was so happy that Unity cooperated that I just made a basic ship script and spent the rest of the time veering it around the solar system. You can see it in a really eccentric orbit around the Green Planet:

very delinquent almost ship for #hack-hour; ive been editing a ton for my youtube video of my #frc competition; not quite ready but hopefully it will be soon

🍎 cider ship! I made a mvp of my app Scaffold for #cider and #hack-hour and this is my final ship! Currently its a bit limited in its functionality but you can import images and have gemini describe them and delete added images! If you would like to try it / download it for future updates then you can do so by entering the code: {still building; i'm waiting on an api key but will update this once i get it} in testflight on ios

Last minute ship for #hack-hour! I thought it would be fun to make a small diary cli where you add daily notes kind of like a twitter thread. It's already a quite powerful small tool, I've added a lot of configuration options for templating and such.

#hack-hour illuminate hackathon ship! 267+ people compete in this hackathon! #illuminate

For the last three months, me and 2 friends have been working on an interactive planetarium show as part of our final XR Design assessment. Now that it's complete, I'd like to present......... THE BLACK DOME! The Black Dome is a short animated planetarium show where Fleeb, a teacher, takes his class back to 1348 - when the Black Death arrived in England. The interactive part of this is a website where the audience get to vote on what they want Fleeb to talk about. Here's a video showcase. The first 2 and a bit minutes you can see the project in action in a simulated dome. The remaining time is us breaking down the project and discussing different aspects of it. We were unfortunately not able to get the voice lines we recorded in before our deadline but they'll be coming to an update soon. This project has been so fun to work on, but so exhausting too! Some tech used: Blender, Unity, C#, websockets, Bun, Express, will power & plot armour Until next time, live laugh & love Fleeb!

Did more work on my programming language today. I ~totally rewrote the lexer to change the way non-word characters are handled, and added multi-character symbols and unary and ambiguous operators. I'm down to this pretty doable todo list for tomorrow, hopefully then i can clean up the syntax and ship tomorrow!

Personal website ship! 🚢 My old website was messy, overcomplicated, and although it looked somewhat cool, it was hard for someone to actually read. I've been wanting to refresh my website for a while now. I was working on v2, which is very similar in design to v1, with some tweaks. However, due to the complexity of the site, I got burnt out and put it aside. The past week, with the motivation from #hack-hour, I decided to pick up and finish something. I started over from scratch, this time focusing on content, simplicity, and accessibility with the new skills I've learned since. I've only worked on v3 for 5 hours. ... and it's shipped! :partyparrot: :partyparrot: :partyparrot: Check it out: It's nowhere complete, but there's a good start. The simplicity allows me to start building content. I want to start a blog. P.S. I've attached screenshots of previous versions in the thread if you're curious!

The #hack-hour bot didn't pick up my message in #ship, so here's a fun image of my filesync program crashing and burning: Also, here's a link to the #ship message:

This is my main project for #hack-hour! I wanted to learn more about Elixir as a programming language because it has really interesting features focusing on concurrency and distributed systems. So, for my first Elixir project I wrote a little program to watch a folder for new files and sync them between two different computers! The code is really awful and it barely works but I am super proud of the fact that I managed to get it to the point it's at. This was my first time with functional programming and with Elixir so I'm happy it ended up being able to work in the first place. You can check it out at the github repo, but I strongly advise against trying to use it productively.

I refactored my Mastodon bot and significantly improved the help command. I'm waiting for my account application to be approved so I can have a production version of the bot that's online 24/7, then I'll #ship.

Second demo video of my JARVIS project, with sound 👇 On May 30th, I had the opportunity of demoing JARVIS at the Vancouver AI Community Meetup! In this video, I showcase JARVIS, an AI voice assistant on a hat! • It can describe what it sees in front of you • It can search the internet and answer your questions • It can converse with you with low latency thanks to Groq's blazing fast speeds An application of this technology is for visually impaired people to know more about what they are looking at or facing, know their surroundings, and have someone to talk with and get help from! There are a lot of companies (such as Seleste) who are trying to achieve the same goal, but what I think is unique about my project is that everything I used was either already on me (Raspberry Pi) or was very cheap to buy (mic + speaker), and the software I used is completely free, making this proof of concept very economically viable and useful. Updates on JARVIS: • Added a speaker so others can hear it • Used a smaller microphone to reduce weight • Used Gemini v1.5 Flash for vision-based prompts • Used Groq's Llama 3 70B for text-based prompts and for conversation mode • Implemented conversation mode so the user can talk to JARVIS as if it were their friend • Implemented short-term memory for conversations • Added faster voice streaming • Added ability to stop speech from JARVIS by clicking the button This was my third attempt at the event to try to get it working. I'm glad I fixed the issues I encountered and that everyone loved the demo! The video was recorded from my friend's phone, so it's not of the highest quality, and a bit of the last part of the demo got cut off, but I'm happy with how it turned out! LinkedIn post | GitHub code

:shipitparrot: 💌 #leaders and clubs ship :shipitparrot: 💌 i spent the last week working on Leaders Letters, a new blog article page for running advice and sharing stories - from club leaders, for club leaders. this was heavily inspired by purdue hackers blog and @matthew. when i read technicolor last year, my club was nonexistent, my administration had probably blocked me on email, and i was on the verge of quitting. but at a time like this, i somehow stumbled upon this beautiful piece of writing and the words "EVERY SCHOOL NEEDS A HACK CLUB KID". it forced me to realize that my end goal was to create a space for students like me with hacker culture that just didn't exist. okay, maybe i wouldn't wear a hack club sticker cape - but i could definitely be the "hack club kid" at my school. i found a second home in hack club and through the process, was empowered to start a similar ecosystem at my own school. fast forward to today, not only does the miraculous club that i once dreamt of running exist, but we have people like @TishaKaur @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA @AanyaKungwani from that club who have gone on to become a deeper part of hack club through hackathons, #days-of-service (#blossom), #forsyth-hacks :forsyth-hacks-2-bolt:, & #the-summit :leaders-summit:. we have had huge meetings with successful workshops that have propelled people to join hack club, but mainly a lot of smaller ones that just seem like hanging out with a group of friends and creating projects :taco-dance:. this year, i had the greatest pleasure of onboarding @PaulKim, @michelle, and @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV and we've created an even larger cohort of metro-atlanta hack clubs who are working to create #hack-the-aquarium :ocean-magic_wand:. when i joined hack club, it was something extraordinary and out worldly and allowed me to find "my people". when i became a hack club leader, i was given the platform and tools to help others like me find each other and a school-wide and now city-wide tight-knit community in atlanta. i am just so grateful i took this jump after hearing all the experiences of past leaders. leaders letters is written in next.js :nextjs: and tailwind :tailwind: and will be updated with monthly leader blog articles or stories that need to be shared. the goal of the site is to serve as a stagnant place for the greatest memoirs that will help boost and inspire future leaders, and in the process allow current leaders to have their voices heard. :heart-eng: my final ask is if you're a leader who wants to share your story, don't hesitate! send me a DM or make a PR with the instructions in the repository! and more importantly, if you're not a leader, apply to be one and remember that it's never too late to start. trust me, it literally changed my life and every day helps me change others' lives as well. :githubparrot: 🔗 huge thank you to @fayd & @ShubhamPatil for moral support and helping me with the website coding. also thank you @matthew for the inspiration (from realizing that technicolor & future letters needed a home). and lastly, thank youuu :blobheart: @SarahDowden for the moral support and conversations that kept me sane through the work.

Made progress on a browser based Javascript CAD software that can also slice its going to hopefully be my biggest ship before June 5th

Fun little #blot ship! I've been a huge fan of Doctor Who since forever, so I finally got around to making a Gallifreyan script generator! (with a little bit of motivation from #hack-hour). [check it out]( ) As an example, the attached image is the word blot ready to be plotted! See here for an explanation of the Gallifreyan language.

Working on cad for the hack hour (previous 2 updates)(had to take it down from ship)

Got a 3D JS library (threlte) to work and render something after 5 hours of not cooperating. This will be part of what will probably be one of the best websites I've ever made! (future ship)

quick afternoon 🚢 I wanted to integrate my slack status with the focus modes on my phone so I wrote a quick little connector that basically just acts as a relay API for the slack status endpoint. There's a delay of about 2 seconds but it seems to reliably work!

I created a Hacker Card PCB for the Onboard you ship we ship project. It finally arrived.

Day 97 of #100-days-in-public. Today I started packaging to ship my new blot maze generator with pathing optimization I worked on a week or so ago. In my new version is a much better thumbnail in as well! One of my trail group members also submitted an onboard PR for our board prototype!

Apocalypse Handbook Information is everything in this era. Because of this, I decided to make a guide on every plant and zombie you might encounter in the streets. Every plant and zombie has a few lines of information, as well as some tips and tricks, along with even a little bit of lore to it.

small :chaos: ship! have you ever wanted to quickly and easily swap profiles with someone else on slack? no??? (i don't believe you) well now you can with Swapper! here to serve all your swapping and prankster needs. Featureing two all new modes: swapper basic where you enter a user id and it swaps profiles with them and swapper advanced (other wise know as cycle mode) where it cycles through an array of slack ids of your chosing Hope y'all enjoy and have fun next 00110000001101000010110100110001 your welcome #impostorkit

small :college-board: AP week ship!! my school lets people 🖨️ print 15 pages a month for free at the 📚 library, and that’s awesome! however, students are only able to print from 2 slow shared ⏳//|Print>! Print lets you drag & drop a file and get a short ID code to print it in one click from the shared computer. it’s nothing too special, but it’s a lot more convenient print files now at my school. feel free to try it out at the code is open source and available on github.

These are just a few posts…

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